The Power of Tablets

Long ago, at the dawn of technology, our ancestors chose to use stone tablets as a means of transferring knowledge (albeit limited information) from one person and place to the next. Flash forward many millennia, and we saw the proliferation of paper tablets (i.e., books), whereby we could write much more than what was written in stone. And now here we are today: In an age where electronic tablets have the power to hold books written about everything from self-help to science and everything in between and around (including archeological books about actual stone tablets). In short, tablets have always been symbolic of our species’ ability to pass information from one generation to the next, and they are symbolic of education, wisdom and growth.

Tablets are everywhere these days, and can be found in places where many might not even expect, such as behind the walls of maximum security prisons. And in the same way that tablets have historically represented education, wisdom and growth, they most especially do for those who are incarcerated. Although opinions vary on what prisons should or shouldn’t offer those locked inside, the reality is that the vast majority of people who are incarcerated will one day rejoin society, and so perhaps the most valuable question we can ask is: What will people on the inside learn that can potentially help them to make real changes when they get out?

Only children and foolish people believe that human behavior will just magically change on its own with no insight or motivation; the rest of us understand that one thing has led to the next in the story of all of our lives, including those who did hurtful things to others, broke laws, and are now incarcerated. So if people took one path to get to where they are, how can we expect them to magically just know how to do things differently moving forward if we don’t at least even present them with the option for a different path?

ViaPath industries is a technology company that provides tablets to incarcerated individuals; tablets that have the power to hold the kind of information that can offer each person who accesses one profound insight and the potential for immense personal growth. I know this because I partnered with ViaPath to create the kind of personal growth programs for incarcerated individuals that offer genuine insight into how one thing leads to the next in all of our lives, and more importantly: What each person can do to apply the insights they gain and make the kind of behavioral changes that others can physically see (a staple phrase in my programs is “people see your actions, not your intentions”). I have programs on Parenting, Anger Management, Veterans, and two of the most unique programs offered in corrections: One designed to be given to individuals from the onset of their incarceration and another that is designed to help people navigate their way out of alternative housing units (such as Restricted Housing, etc.).

So if you have a loved one who is incarcerated, find out if the institution in which your loved one resides has access to ViaPath tablets. To find out more about ViaPath, visit

Sending everyone who sees this, and everyone who doesn’t, much peace.