We are all born and we all die; but what we do with the in between –  well – that is up to us.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: The In-Between

When you don’t work with others to solve anger, you’re in the mess of anger with them.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Fly At the Same Time

The more you talk about how bad others are, the worse you look.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Talking Bad

Most people choose not to break cycles of negative behaviors…. even though they didn’t like it when they themselves went through it. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Maybe Don't Do It

Confirmation bias is a trap, and trapping ourselves is not the wisest thing we can do….

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Confirmation Bias

You are responsible for your actions alone, and there’s a lot of sweeping you can do. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Sweep the Garden

Whatever you’re working on in your life, if you want to master it, make sure you know it well enough to do in the dark.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Darkness

People have different reactions to pictures. A picture is what a picture is, but it’s our view of a picture that creates the words to label what we see.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: A Picture

You have the ability to control your own mind, and you’ll find in doing so, you won’t have to waste time arguing with yourself.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Arguing Alone

Be mindful that you don’t miss the bad in lost relationships, you only miss the good parts.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Beware of Your Reminiscences