Talk to Yourself, Talk Some More, Then Repeat: Be Mindful of the Power of Self-Talk

I’ve seen research suggesting that if we hear something even five times, we’ll begin to believe that it might be…

Beware A Lean Advisor: Should You Take Advice From Desperate People?

A lion once tried to convince a mountain goat to come down off the barren crags and enjoy the sweet,…

Shining the Light: What Kind of Teacher Are You?

Three men sat in a dark dungeon; two of them were wise, one of them was foolish. The dungeon did…

PODCAST: Learning to be Self Aware

Learn how to objectively identify your strengths, weaknesses, and the patterns in your life. Dr. Conte is joined by Lisa…

The Problem with Nagging: Brute Strength vs. Intellect

A great and giant sumo wrestler once told a frail old Zen master that the intellect was a waste of…

PODCAST: Five Steps to Becoming a Better Teacher

We’re all teachers. These essential steps go beyond classroom teaching, they apply to family, workplace and any situation where you’re…

Monopolizing the Truth: Live the Advice You Give to Others

Once, a mother came to a counselor and asked him to tell her son to stop eating sugar. The counselor…