Focus on gratitude for even the smallest things that you have.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Fishing with Foolishness

Spend less time minimizing the pain we cause, and more time recognizing that pain is cumulative. Strive to do no harm, because your bites hurt. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Don’t be a Piranha

Realize the reward for doing the harder work upfront.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Impulse and Patience

There is no mic drop in real life; because as long as we’re alive, there will always more to say, and most certainly, there will always be more to learn.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: No Mic Drop

No one is too small to bring light to many. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: No Small Job

Bragging is for young people. Adults only have time to see results.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Just Do It

Reach out and help now… you can always preach later.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Advice v. Action

If you know someone is negative or toxic for you, and you choose to hang around that person anyway, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Fire Is Hot

You probably know that if you talk to a brick wall, you won’t get very far. But what about people who you know are not open to anything new?

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Brick Walls

How to focus on making whatever you say in life actually worth saying.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Words