If you lead your life with humility and curiosity, you will likely find yourself closer to peace than if you lead with arrogance and certainty. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: The Box

When you convince yourself that everything you think and believe is right, and that anything that others think and believe that’s different is wrong, stop.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: When to Stop

The fraud of certainty and arrogance…. which is ego and, ultimately, the source of voter’s fraud. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Voter Fraud

Set out to convince others to believe differently from how they do if you are actively and consciously choosing to be miserable.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Politics and Misery

Are you truly sharing the best of who you are?

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: The Amplitude of Your Voice

Would you want a bitter, angry, institutionalized person sharing your community with you, or would you rather that person, regardless of whatever mistakes he made, come out of prison being a better person?

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Compassion in 60 Seconds

Your environment and behavioral patterns are physically shaping you.

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: A Whale of a Tale

Be mindful to give love to everyone, including yourself. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Love

With a clear vision, insatiably hard work, and patience, you give yourself tremendous odds to achieve anything you want. 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Statistical Chances of Living Out Your Dreams

What false beliefs are leading you astray? And what authentic beliefs can you hold to create the reality you want? 

Emotional Management
Emotional Management
Emotional Management Minute: Flushing False Beliefs