No Perfect Words

no perfect words

We have all been faced with that overwhelming news that leaves us speechless. We’ve all no doubt messed up at times and hurt others, and again, just didn’t know what to say afterwards.

It’s normal to get awestruck by life. It’s normal to not always know what to say, but there are some things that you can always keep in mind when situations like those arise.

First, understand that you are a human being. You’re not perfect, you’re not supposed to be. And it really is okay to not have all the answers. Second, and most importantly: be honest about what’s going on with you. For example, saying something like, “Wow. Honestly I don’t know what to say right now. I want to say the right thing, but words just aren’t coming to me.” Or something to that effect – is helpful because it shows you are 1. Human, and 2. Authentic.

I’m not sure perfect words exist for situations, but I do know that honesty and authenticity go a lot farther than getting tripped up in your ego or needing to have answers or be right. It’s important to remember that your presence can be far more powerful than your words.