Inciting Anger Has the Opposite Effect

Sometimes when we’re really hurt or upset with someone, we really want other people to be equally as angry or…

Shining the Light: What Kind of Teacher Are You?

Three men sat in a dark dungeon; two of them were wise, one of them was foolish. The dungeon did…

The Problem with Nagging: Brute Strength vs. Intellect

A great and giant sumo wrestler once told a frail old Zen master that the intellect was a waste of…

Monopolizing the Truth: Live the Advice You Give to Others

Once, a mother came to a counselor and asked him to tell her son to stop eating sugar. The counselor…

Go to Bed Angry: Feel Better In the Morning

There is an old adage: “Never go to bed angry.” Despite the good intentions behind this saying, it might just…

Trimming the Roast: Blindly Following in the Footsteps of Others

A little girl once asked her mother why she cut the ends off her roast beef before she cooked it.…

Nagging vs. Knowing: Saying More with Less

Most people have a tendency to use more words than necessary to communicate. Oftentimes we say things over and over…

Making A Moment: Putting Others First

Most of us are familiar with the phrase, “take a moment,” but I wonder what might happen if we traded…